A MASSIVE good luck to all our Year 11, 12 and 13 students about to take exams. Please remember your Geography teachers are happy to speak to you after you have gone on study leave - pop in when you would of had a lesson with us, and we can normally be found in the Geography office.
Most of you will have been given past papers - use these to check you can answer exam style questions, perhaps even write some of the answers in timed conditions to check you can stick to the tight timings of an exam! Or you could just plan your answers...up to you!
Year 11 - Don't forget to re-read your DME booklets, don't put them to one side and forget about them! Use the mock exam we are doing this week as a revision aid to your DME. For your main exam you should have been given lots of coloured booklets that go over each topic, any problems see us!
Year 12 and 13 - Make use of the PowerPoint's I have posted over the year, these run through the main concepts you are expected to know (although not all of them!). Go to the AS/A2 page and look at the labels at the side of the page to find relevant information. Again any problems before the exam - come and speak to one of us!
My final words of wisdom - revise hard and make sure you READ the questions carefully! Good Luck. Miss M.