When Montserrat erupted back in 1997, it left a trail of destruction. The Volcano had been dormant until 1995 when it came alive again. In 1997 it erupted killing 19 people, which started an exodus from the Island. Since then its population has decreased from around 12000 to about 5000. Many people left to go and live on other Caribbean Islands, others, to places such as the UK. Despite the fact that volcanic activity on the island has decreased over the years, few people have returned home. The opportunities that they found abroad just do not exist on an island where the biggest employer is the government. The eruption also destroyed much of the agricultural land on the island, it closed the medical school, and many people from the US, Canada and Europe who had retired there also went home. British and EU aid has done a lot to rebuild what was lost but there is a sense that, when the volcano erupted, it created a shift in the attitude of some of the island's people.
Montserrat's capital, Plymouth, was shrouded in ash

They had lost everything and now those that remain face a choice - do they stay or do they follow their countrymen and women and head abroad? Montserrat's national anthem is God Save The Queen, and a visit by Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall should be a big event on the island. As a British Overseas Territory the links to Britain should be strong but some people do not see how the visit will make any impact. What do you think? Have a look at this story...Miss M.